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Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Cheers To All The Women In My Life

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I've come to the end of my #InternationalWomensDay appreciation posts (although by now, it's more like #InternationalWomensMONTH), having reflected on lifelong friendships, as well as friendships that didn't last.

Now, I'd like to take this moment to appreciate all the women who are presently in my life, from friends and family who have been there since day one, to newfound friendships that I cherish with all my heart. I couldn't fit everyone, but you are here in heart and truth. You know who you are. (Also, I probably didn't have a good photo of us LOL!)

I'm loving all the friendships I've kept and the ones I've recently made and I'm excited to continue life with all of you! 

Cheers to the women who raised me <3

My grandmother (RIP)
My mother
My Aunty

Cheers to newfound friends, my #Twam (Twitter fam) - you know who you are :)

Sheila, a breast cancer warrior, came to visit me last year on her girls trip

Cheers to my most international friends Adriana (Brazil), Maria (Italy, now England) and Isly (Turkey)

And cheers to my crew! (excuse Talbert LOL)


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