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That One Time I Crashed a 14-Year-Old's Birthday Party

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That's me looking wild LOL! And that's my crew, Jamal (behind me), Antoinette (in front of me), and Ishmeall (holding the camera). Boy, oh boy, was this truly a fun and much needed night!

The afternoon started out with us going to the movies to watch Happy Death Day 2 U (you can read my review here), and it ended with the four of us crashing a 14-year-old's skate-themed birthday party, LOL!

I cried my eyes out from laughing so much watching the movie, that I already felt like I was on a bit of a high. As simple as just getting out of the house and hanging with my lil' crew added to that. But how the night unfolded was just what the doctor prescribed!

The four of us split into two pairs because two of us live in the west and two in the east. So, when we walked out into the parking lot, we were all a bit hesitant to say goodbye because we didn't want the night to end, but we also didn't have anything else in mind to do.

What I should have known was that Ishmeall had something up his sleeve because whenever he's around, party nah done!! LOL!

It just so happened that that day was also his little sister's birthday and she was having a party at a local skating rink. So, he invited us, and of course we were all down!

I was probably the most excited out of us all, though, because I hadn't skated since I was about 8 or 9 and I used to be really good at it. I mean, REALLY good at it. I actually taught myself how to skate before I learned how to ride a bike!

Anyway, on our way there, Ishmeall and I were talking about #PrettyLittleLiars and The Perfectionists, as well as other shows we both like and before I knew it, we were pulling up to the rink.

I had always wanted to visit #SkateCity242 but never got around to it, so what better time, especially since I was getting in free?! Thanks, Mel ;)

The music was LIT!! The DJ was playing everything from Soca, to Rap, to Dancehall, which is the worst thing he could have done because he was hyping me up to get in that rink... which is exactly what I did!

While Ishmeall had already strapped on his skates and taken a few laps around the rink, Jamal, Antoinette and I were still trying to decide whether we would all join in. Jamal and I eventually did, but Antoinette wasn't on that run, LOL!

Jamal and I bought our socks, fit our skates and crept over to the entrance. I was a bit hesitant, my heart was pounding, but as soon as the music hit me, I was on the floor. I couldn't tell you where Jamal was because the music glided me about half way around the rink back to where we were first standing with Antoinette.

I ended up skating the night away, following Ishmeall around twice and even skating on my own once or twice! I fell flat on my butt once, which was weird because it happened when I was standing still, but the good thing is that no one cared :)

At one point, I stopped to wish Ishmeall's sister a happy birthday, but didn't realize that there was more than one birthday party happening. I had my eye on a big white cake box all night, hoping that I could somehow sneak a slice of cake, but I didn't know that the box I had my eye on belonged to the other party of younger kids, LOL!

All in all, it was a wonderful night with awesome company, music, and fun, and most importantly no stress, care or worry in the world, even if it was just for one night, that could not have gone any better even if it was planned down to the T!

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