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O, How I Wish You Could See

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O, how I wish you could see
All the things that have happened since you've been gone
Like Cadmus passing away after you not too long
And Ronnie Butler singing his last song
And Cartwright from church in wheelchair passing
All one by one after you dancing
Over to the other side 

O, how I wish you could see
All the people who came by day after day
With tears, hugs, kisses and only good things to say
Mourning your death but celebrating your life in the best way
With love and laughter and great stories to tell
Thank Damian, he knew them well
And kept us all in good spirits 

O, how I wish you could see
All the love and warmth that came to be
Aunt Freddie and the family so welcoming
Uncle Willie and Aunt Katie in shock but rendering
Warmth, from your passing which was rather sudden
A moment in our lives that will never be forgotten
Forever in our hearts

O, how I wish you could see
That I'm doing well, thankfully
And I got a job, finally!
And I got the car, can you believe?
And we painted the house blue
And Dina moved into your room
And kept your closet just how you left it

O, how I wish you could hear
How your son Keith cried out for you
For nights and days without a break or two
His cries shaking, our hearts, aching, Kevin too
And mom and Dina and Chanda, torn
And I, in shock, that you were actually gone
The hardest pill I've ever swallowed

But, O, how I hope you are at peace
Basking in glory and eternal jubilee
Smiling down upon us and everything you see
No longer in pain or silent suffering
But safe in "The Master's" arms, as you would say
And how you are in our hearts each day
And how no moment goes by without a thought of you
And how each breath we take feels incomplete
And how our brains, each day, forever think
About you, your smile, your laugh, your love
And how this stanza needed six more lines above
To fit the love where you abide
In us forever

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